Vasco Jewelry Buyers

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Loan Against Your Luxuries for Unexpected Expenses

In a time where savings accounts are nearly empty and income has stopped flowing due to extreme unemployment rates, individuals across the globe are left to wonder what they’ll do when their savings dry up and their government-issued stimulus checks simply aren’t enough to make all of their necessary payments. 

Sure, there will come a day when businesses resume as normal, and the need for jobs increases, but none of us can say exactly when that day will arrive. With COVID-19 causing rules and regulations to change from day to day, times remain uncertain. 

How to Get Money Right Now

If this situation is one that hits home for you, you can take comfort in knowing that a solution to your troubles exists. At Vasco Jewelry Buyer, you can take out a loan against your luxury assets in order to gain the money you need for various purposes! Whether you’re in need of money to pay your rent or funds for medical care, Vasco Jewelry Buyer offers financial solutions. 

At Vasco Jewelry Buyer, we understand the importance of holding on to what’s near and dear to you. For that reason, we’ve created a simple and flexible luxury loan process. Instead of parting with your items forever by selling them, you’ll have the opportunity to get the money you need and maintain ownership of your goods. 

So don’t continue to pace the floor wondering how to get yourself out of a troubling monetary situation. Let the team at Vasco Jewelry Buyer be of some assistance to you. The loan process is a simple and secure one. You’ll sit down with a qualified professional that will walk you through the entire process. 

Whether you possess gold coins, jewelry, diamonds, or luxury watches, Vasco Jewelry Buyer is glad to provide you with a large to small loan to supplement your needs until your next paycheck arrives. 

We understand the anxiety that is caused by not knowing how you’ll pay for groceries, necessary car repairs, or even medication. 

With the income you receive from taking out a loan against your luxury items, you can afford preventative medical care, utility bill payments, groceries, and much more. So don’t miss out on the chance to earn immediate funds for your immediate needs today! 


Saying goodbye to your luxury assets isn’t easy for most individuals, that’s why Vasco Jewelry Buyer offers another option. Loaning against your luxury assets puts money in your pocket when you need it the most. 

You can rest easy knowing that you’ll regain ownership of your item once your loan is paid off. For additional money for your needs until your next paycheck arrives, Vasco Jewelry Buyer is here to provide relief. 

About the Author: 

Vasco Assets Inc. is a privately held international financial firm located in Newport Beach, California. Vasco Assets has over 35 years of industry expertise from investing, lending, buying and selling of luxury items to collaborating with charities in developing custom offerings and much more. At Vasco Assets, we create and cultivate long-term, multi-generational relationships with our clients.

Vasco Assets’ diversification in the global economy helps maintain our position as an independent international institution that is not subject to the fluctuations in the market conditions. In recent years, we’ve been making significant investments in our patent-pending technological platform and applying them to lending, investments, and fostering our client relationships.